Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pvt Winsom reports on Iran game

Hi there guys, Pvt Winsom fourth class here. Want to tell you all about our last game. It took place on the border with Iran, nasty place that, full of spiders. anyway the Iranian brought out the big guns for this one folks. As we crossed the border we were confronted with hundreds of screaming Iranian Revolutionary Gaurd fans. They had come from far and wide to watch the game, to be held in Ahwaz. Well it took us a day and a half to negotiate the Badr Brigade troops and fans before we got there. The game was to be held in the Ahwaz District Play house. A nice little abode that was used during the Cold War as a playhouse. The game went well until one of their players called our captain, Corporal Wallstein, a jew. It went down hill from there, with Wallstein alleging an international conspiracy! Anyway the situation was sorted when President Ahmadinejad ordered the complete annihlation of Zion. Wallstein shut up immediately. We managed to ratcher up 245 in 16 overs not bad for a bunch of Yanks. The IRGC team managed 45 before having to leave when the air raid siren went for prayers. So we won and our next game is in Turkey against a PKK outfit called the Falcons. Should be good. See ya!

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