Wednesday, December 12, 2007

red24 Football opens up again

The new red24 team, son of Mourinho, continue to face a hard start to the season. Two defeats and a draw in the early stages of the bloody campaign have already taken the toll on the outift, with James Voortman "the enforcer" being forced to retire from tonights game following a tummy ache. The hard man of the team was overheard yesterday complaining of cramps after eating a dodgy BP pie; the news was made worse by the fact that Tracy told him not to eat it.

In other news, Capn Rob has reconciled himself to the fact that the team is fat and unfit and will likely lose most of their games this season. The (CENSORED) kg captain has ordered an immediate review of the training practices of his obese team; special inquest dockets have been opened for Andre Colling "the cake walk" and Kabelo "the unpronouncable surname".

Adding to these woes, the scoring form has not been good. The team has blamed the poor scoring form on narrower than usual goal-posts and bad refereeing. Only Nick "one goal a season", Jimbo "the tummy ache" and Yoshiya "I score all day" have found the back of the net this season. The team play tonight at the Stadium of Light. All welcome.

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